
Base url this will be called from now as [base_url]

List webhook endpoint event


GET: [base_url]/client/webhooks/:id
  • :id: webhook endpoint document id. (take a look at Hooks)


Key Value Details
Authorization Bearer {{api_key}} api key is very important here to authorize your request.
Content-Type application/json


        "id": "63377e715790c27875f70dbd",
        "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "ocid": "omega-cop-KoNef9DB5i",
        "api_version": "v1",
        "created": 1664581231,
        "type": "video.process_succeeded",
        "data": null,
        "endpoint_id": "6336cd2b5790c27875f70d96",
        "response": null
        "id": "633772fa5790c27875f70dbb",
        "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "ocid": "omega-cop-KoNef9DB5i",
        "api_version": "v1",
        "created": 1664578297,
        "type": "video.uploaded",
        "data": null,
        "endpoint_id": "6336cd2b5790c27875f70d96",
        "response": null

From you can see in response data and response are null here to optimize response size, to view full event details see.

View event details


GET: [base_url]/client/webhooks/:id/events/:eid
  • :id: webhook endpoint document id. (take a look at Hooks)
  • :eid: event id.


Key Value Details
Authorization Bearer {{api_key}} api key is very important here to authorize your request.
Content-Type application/json


    "id" : "630fac88bd5bb64cf8b24b99",
    "created_at": "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z",
    "coid" : "omega-cop-OyJrgi5-fx",
    "api_version" : "v1",
    "created" : 1661971592,
    "type" : "video.process_succeeded",
    "data" : {
        "video" : {
    "endpoint_id" : "6307b4d6570090479813a762",
    "response" : {
        "status_code" : 200,
        "status" : "200 OK",
        "body" : "webhook received\n",
        "message" : "webhook event with type video.process_succeeded succeeded"
Field Type Description Nullable
id string document id. NO
created_at string (date time) event creation ISO date. NO
created integer Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. NO
api_version string Omega API version used to render data. NO
type string (enum) Description of the event (e.g., video.failed_to_delete or video.process_failed). see. NO
endpoint_id string webhook endpoint id. NO
response Response ⚠️ NO
data Data event data object that will be used to retrieve all associated information. ⚠️ NO
  • ⚠️ These fields are Non-nullable by default, but null in some contexts. see

Event Data

Event data is the associated video data.

Event Response

This is your response to our webhook POST request.

Field Type Description Nullable
status_code integer response status code. NO
status string consist of status code and status label. NO
body string response body string formatted. NO
message string message metadata NO