Create Video


    "title": "new video title",
    "collection": "COLLECTION_ID"
  • title: video viewed title. it should be at most 128 characters length.
  • collection: collection id. ex: 63fcdbd82eec9b89aa5bfdf3 it can be nullable

    if you don’t want to add this video to any collection, you can leave this field empty.

    You can move a video later to a collection using Move Videos to Collection


Key Value Details
Authorization Bearer {{api_key}} api key is very important here to authorize your request.
Content-Type application/json


Status Code: 201 Created

    "id": "64de1635d89f91a65a96f5d2",
    "created_at": "2023-08-17T12:44:37.385087561Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-08-17T12:44:37.385088142Z",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "title": "new video title",
    "uuid": "1deaa017-4727-4c52-a0fa-c219e9adafd3",
    "coid": "omega-cop-223411c1",
    "collection_id": "collection_id",
    "status": "ready-to-upload",
    "privacy": "private",
    "playback": null,
    "playback_v2": null,
    "input": null,
    "duration": null,
    "size": null,
    "ready_to_stream": false,
    "thumbnail": null,
    "thumbnail_timestamp_pct": null,
    "storage": null,
    "meta": null

You can find the full video model details here